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Posted by Simon on August 17, 1998 at 23:28:38:

Dear all,

I haven't seen any reference to it on the site yet,so
I thought I'd give some interesting stuff that my
neurologistss in London have been working on.
It isn't drug based in terms of a cure/palliative but
is more of a primary ("why"?) nature.
I was one of their guinea pigs, and had the delightful
experience of being in first an MRI, then a PET,
scanner for over two-and-a-half hours each time.
First they took a base reading, then induced a headache
(with nitro-glycerine!) waited for forty minutes, then
whacked it with Imigran, taking readings continually.
The pain was unbearable, as lying still is not
normally an option when an attack happens. Two or three
millimetres movement was frowned upon!

Anywy at least they got some results. These show that,
although the mechanism by which the pain is delivered is
similar to that in other headaches, such as migraine,
tha pain itself is triggered in the hypothalamus.
This (I am reliably informed!) is where all sorts of daily
rhythms are based (makes sense) and is not associated
with any other sorts of pain. The link has surprised
all those involved.

Given that we all have our own pet theories, perhaps we
can come up with some ideas between us.
eg: Does Ritalin have any effects on the hypothalamus?
How do candida and diflucan fit in?

The full article is online at:

You have to register first (free!) on:

Finally two little moans - (it's 4am here so give
me a little leeway).

First, I've noticed once or twice a
tendency to criticise the medical profession. Do
remember they're each working on their own little areas,
and aren't always aware of what others are up to. (As
someone said recently they've learned more here in ten
minutes than from the doctor in years). All we can do
is make them aware of what's going on. Particularly
in the case of GPs they haven't the time to go into it
like we can.

Second, one or two people seemed to be getting
censorious of others' habits. I smoke, but I've quit
drinking because of these things. Why criticise?
I've yet to see anyone who has quit smoking say they
were cured. (I've also never seen anything to suggest
that sufferers smoke or drink more than the
population at large). Changing diet may have worked
for some, but how do we know they weren't at the
end of a bout anyway?
Please, let's try living what little quality of life
there is left, rather than trying to turn it into a PC
crusade against whatever is currently unfashionable.
(Sometimes we Europeans wonder how the land of the
free has allowed itself to be taken over by those who
want to dictate to you. Particularly when you can't
smoke within yards of a federal building, but can buy
a gun!)

Moan over!!

Back to bed, with brain intact, and spleen vented!


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