Posted by Shane ( on December 07, 2001 at 20:21:47:
Ok well out of nowhere I called my mother and thought I would tell her about what my neuro said. I didn't really stress to much to her about my headaches. Anyway it ends up that my mother was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches in 1981 the year my sister was born (2 years after me). She was a Chronic sufferor and was only given hard pain killers. It ends up that they lasted for about 7 years. Then turned to a rare thing then completly stopped. She has been cluster free since early 91. 3 years ago she started to get migraines which she can tolerate alot better...but that makes me think alot. I had no clue...I remember when I was young we went to the emergency room alot for my mom's headaches...but it never hit me.
I hear its rare for it to be passed down. Does anyone else in here have direct relatives that also have clusters or had them?
On a second note I just took a Imetrex Nasal spray and it did the trick in about 15 bad I only got 6 of these things. I think I did the Nasal thing right cause it worked...but man I can still taste it and it taste like ass :P