Posted by Ol flapper ( on August 08, 2001 at 18:49:30:
In Reply to: My Boss needs help to understand. posted by Jayne on August 08, 2001 at 18:00:35:
I work as a Sr estimator for a large construction company, (one of the largest in the world). I am blessed that our VP has Clusters also, so he (Only him) really understands what we go through. I am allways amazed that we even keep hope up in a cycle, and more of us have not commited suicide, really! I am in my 10th week, 15-20 clusters per week, I am just thankfull that they are not chronic yet, I do not know what I would do. I think people should spend one day with us, I have even thought of filming an attack at 2 AM for the next person who says something like that to watch.
People whom keep a job, try, do not loose relationships, try to raise faimlys that have clusters, they are some of THE toughest in the world. tell your boss to eat a gallon of ice cream, as fast as he can, and when the pain starts and becomes unbearable for 3-5 seconds, tell him that is what we go thru, hell are you kidding me, FIGURE WHAT OUT! I have been for 18 years, no one in this world understands, I just spent $1700.00 today for help, and got the same meds. I cannot understand why when people say stuff like that. the meds we have to take make me feel like, well you know, sometimes there doing more harm than good, KEEP DIGGING. THE BEAST WILL IS STRONG. but so are we. have your boss e mail me and I will speak with him at a very professional manner. Keep up the fight and God Bless