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Posted by Bryan ( on July 01, 2001 at 11:48:31:

In Reply to: An experiment. posted by Richard Saylor on June 30, 2001 at 13:10:29:

I find all sorts of odd things about my CH attacks as well. It is intersting your comments
because I got them about every 2 to 3 years and they would last about 3 weeks and be gone. I never took any meds for them and just
sufferred through them. This time I am taking amerge which is a vessel consrtictor and they seem to be lasting lnoger
then they have in the past. I have a theory about all of this and if you have the patience to hear me out then here it goes.
The human body is able to defend and fight all types of disease and ailments, when the body is in need of something wheather it be food, exercise, vitamins or
whatever it then will react in a way that is showing need. The human boby will always try to create some form of harmonic balance between fitness, nutrition,
mental health, inner peace and all the dangerous unhealthy things we do to ourselves. If your body gets the flu it makes you puke or puts you on the toilet to rid
the body of the infection. If you suffer from CH then why wuld we not assume that our body is also trying to tell us something. The reason the symptoms are not the same
for everyone is the same as the flu, not everyone suffers from the same strain of flu the same way and not everyones body reacts to it the same but the body does react and will defend itself.
I am in search of the answer to my CH attacks, not looking to take the pain away with meds and thus cause my body to react in another area but looking systimatically to stop the attacks with diet, exercise,
and detailed food research. This is very hard to do when you are shaddowing and being woken up from sleep to a CH but there seems to be some progress and i am looking forward to a pain free life soon.

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