Posted by DJ on April 25, 1999 at 20:15:17:
Just thought I'd share a little something that has meant alot to me since I got home from overseas. It's a line from the new Sandra Bullock/Nicole Kidman movie, um.... the witch one (can't remember the name of it off the top of my head).
Anyway, it's something to think about. I only wish I had seen the movie before I'm at the point I'm at now...
"Do you ever put your arms out and spin, spin, spin... really, really fast?
Thats what love is like.
It makes your heart race...
It turns the world upside down...
BUT, if you aren't careful...
If you don't keep your eyes on something still...
You can loose your balance.
You can't see what's happening to the people around you...
You can't see that you're about to fall."
I never thought it was possible, but these words are sooooooo true. Just wanted to share some of what I'm thinking.
With all of the talk about poems and stuff like that going on lately, I thought long and hard about posting this. But you know what? It comes down to a letter that Kelly gave me the day that she said she didn't want to put the effort into saving our marriage....
"It's the right thing for me. Selfish, maybe, but I have to do what makes me happy."
Would you like my insight on all of the poem, song lyric, and various other "non" cluster headache posts? (if not, you might wanna stop reading now, cause I'm gonna give it to you anyway) ;-)
I say, if posting poems, marital problems, physical problems, thoughts, feelings, ...whatever... makes you feel better, then post away! If it is the "right thing" for you, then GO FOR IT!