Posted by Ted ( on June 06, 2001 at 02:50:46:
In Reply to: intensity posted by Michelle on June 06, 2001 at 00:20:00:
faded, whatever we get to the pain others go through. I know for myself that except for a few people I've lost my empathy. Not because of them but sometimes we just get hardened and don't feel anything for how other people are taking it. I could wimp-out and say it's because we are dealing with our own pain and it's so much that we can't afford to give to others. But that's bullshit. Somtimes I read this board and fall into deep sadness for all the pain out there. Other times I sit and read and couldn't offer two cents of sincere concern. That's the nature of being human, I guess. I read the news sometimes and don't care who it is in the middle east getting killed. I just feel bad it's happening. Other times I sit there and say "it's the middle east. What do you expect." and move on to an article about if my county will get a ballbark stadium rejuvenation fund. Sometimes you just don't care. BUT, a child, a poor innocent child getting hit by these attacks never fails to bring me sadness. A child should know basically of puppies and candy. To know of such pain at that age is incredibly cruel. I guess what I'm being WAY long winded in saying is I'm sorry she suffers these too. If there is anything I can do to help you or your daughter right now I am here for you. :-( I don't know her but I hate she has these.