Posted by maddog ( on February 14, 2001 at 12:58:08:
In Reply to: thank you posted by Joshua on February 14, 2001 at 12:38:56:
when you are expeiancing a cluster try to feed that pain into adrenalin. get yourself pumped up. like a football player before a game. sometimes the adrenalin can help reduce the intencity of the cluster. dont let it get you down fight it and fight it hard. this dosn't always work and somtimes it will win. but i find that it works often for me. i even blast some really loud intence heavy metal music that helps fuel the adrenalin. take deep breaths and get ready for the fight. growl and scream if you have to. and always remember that even if it does win it will end soon and all will be well again. and no matter who the winner is the fact that we as sufferers continue on living makes us stronger than most. use that knowledge to help you in life because there is not much worse than a cluster. we are survivors!!!