Posted by Chuck on February 09, 1999 at 01:32:49:
I am 6 weeks, 8 chiropractor appointments, 3 MD visits,
10000 mg ibuprophin, 12 doses of imitrex and 30+ sleepless
nights into this cluster. As I mentioned in an earlier message,
I am having trouble convincing the insurance company to
cover more than 12 doses of 20mg nasal spray/34 day period.
I have an appointment to see a neurologist on Wednesday this week
and wondered if any of you seasoned vets have any advise. Is there a magic
phrase I can say to get additional Imitrex beyond the insurance co's limits?
The Imitex seems to take the edge off the CH, and the possible side effects
seem trivial compared to the pain. Has anyone heard of a waiver I could sign
with Glaxxo, of maybe a clinical trial to participate in to receive additional
TTLATWP (this too, like all things, will pass)
hang in there and God Bless