Good Point

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Posted by Miguel ( on July 26, 2000 at 08:46:01:

In Reply to: I don't understand a word you just wrote posted by Shannon on July 26, 2000 at 00:30:54:

Well Shannon, it is my fault for being incosiderate
to people that may not understand the specifics of
my pseudo-scientific board ramblings.

Basic concepts: It is my understanding (although
still very limited in this specific field) that
Cluster Headaches (hereon known as CH) are the
result of interactions between certain molecules
and their receptors in the body, apparently in the
brain. Think of molecules as the "keys" and receptors as
the "locks". Now, you know how only one key opens
one door? Well receptors and molecules act the same way.
Each "lock" (receptor) opens a different door. In
the case of the body's physiology, each lock results
in a physiological response (the way your body regulates its
funtions and responds to needs/problems). Take for
instance your digestive system. You eat everyday,
hopefully several times. Now, if your body did not
have a mechanism by which the food is evacuated, we would
look like rather humongous puff fish by the time
we are 10 years old, and eventually die or explode (what a mess
would the earth be if each individual of the most
prevalent species blew up every ten years of so - ROFLMAO!!!).
Anyway, the food is moved down your intestines via
contractions of the same. But how does this happen?
Well, the body senses the food and its need to evacuate it.
To evacuate the food, we need to move it. To move it with our
current physico-physilogical capabilities the intestins contract
and relax. They do so because they are lined up with
muscle. In this case it is a specific type of muscle
different from say...your biceps. These are called
smooth muscle cells. For the smooth muscle cells to contract and
relax they need input (sort of like flipping
the switch to get the light to come on). Also, they need
a specific place where this input needs to go. Here is
where the "key" and "lock" thing from above
come into place. Depending on which lock or switch you
flip or get a key for, a different light or door
would open. The smooth muscle cells in the intestine, like
all cells in our body, have many "locks" (receptors), for
which there are many specific "keys" (molecules), each
one of the receptors have a different pathway (doors).
Depending on what the body's needs are these molecules (keys)
will be made for all the different receptors (lock) so
we have a response (door opens or closes). Back to the gut,
a molecule called cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
is produced (key) to attach to its receptor (lock) and elicit
constriction of the smooth muscle linning the intestine (door).
When the smooth mucle contracts...then the food moves toward its
ultimate resting place outside the body.

Now related to CH: There are several physiological factors that
are associated with CH. Among them, it seems that
serotonin (key) is involved in the process. There are
many types of receptors (locks) but only one is related to
each specific function. Several receptors (locks) might
be involved in CH. It appears that because of the relief
experienced by CH sufferers from consumption of
sub-recreational doses (slight buzz, but
the sterring wheel does not melt in front of your eyes, and the
cigarette does not wrap around your hand and forearm)
of LSD (man-made key) some people are looking into
the interaction of the molcule (key) and the body's
physiology in serach of the receptor (lock) where
LSD binds to (attaches to). There is data out there
that indicate that LSD (key) attaches to the
5-HT2A subtype receptor (lock). the question would then be
is the 5-HT2A receptor (lock) largely or solely responsible
for CH? In my post about Inmitrex' possible failure
for some sufferers to abort or prevent CH, what I noted
is that imitrex (key), according to data published, acts
on the 5-HT1 receptor subtype (lock). That is a different
sub-type of receptor (lock) than that for LSD. If the
5-HT2A receptor is then the one that is responsible for CH,
working on the 5-HT1 receptor through inmitrex is sort
of a 600 lb guy going into the room through a very small
window instead of unlocking the door. The guy gets his head
in and perhaps some of his body, but never
really gets in. The receptor that imitrex works on
has a different effect than that for 5-HT2A, and perhaps
a different effect (room). One of the symptoms
of CH is that of vasodilation in brain blood vesels.
the 5-HT1 (lock) receptor appears to be prevalent
in some blood vessels of the cortex (area of the brain).
Some think that CH is solely/main problem is
the result of the excessive vasodilation of the
blood vessels in certain regions of the cortex.
So, they created a molecule (key), imitrex, that works
on the receptors (locks) that regulate vasodilation
(door) of those blood vessels in that specific are
of the cortex. Imitrex elicits its effect by
constricting the blood vessels in that area of
the cortex (room). The problem is that that might
only be part of the equation in the CH complexties.
What if your CH problem involves vasculature (blood vessels)
outside the area where imitrex works? Yup, no effect...
$5.00 (or whatever each pill costs) are wasted. Your
hopes are shattered, and you still suffer. However,
imitrex appears to work for some quite well. But for others
"niet!" Many wonder why...thus the post.


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