Feverfew info

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Posted by Bob Johnson ( on July 06, 2000 at 09:04:53:

In Reply to: Sansert posted by Bob P on July 05, 2000 at 17:11:07:

The medical literature I've seen suggests that it's not very helpful for cluster to prevent and has no role in the treatment of attacks. It's mode of action is likely too weak and slow to be of much help to us.

From: www.meldrum.demon.co.uk/migraine.

(Thanks to Trudy Crossman for the following information):

NOTE: Feverfew is a prophylactic remedy.
I.E.it only works to prevent migraines if taken
regularly over time.Once a migraines has begun,
feverfew will NOT help the current attack.
According to "Graedon's Best Medicine":
"Feverfew (Chyrsanthemum parthenium) is
a common flowering plant akin to the daisy
family.Feverfew contains chemicals that inhibit
secretions of blood platelets and white blood cells.
The platelets secrete serotonin, which constricts
blood vessels and hence contributes to migraine
headaches. The active ingredient in feverfew is
Parthenolide. Several studies have been done to
validate its effectiveness. A placebo-controlled
study resulted in 24% reduction in the number of
migraines, and lessened the severity of those
migraines that did occur. This study used a
ground-up leaf dosage of 80 mg.

DOSAGE: To duplicate the dosage in
the clinical studies most people must eat a leaf or
two a day, or ingest 1-2 capsules.This assumes that
you are getting potent feverfew. According to
Dr.Tyler of Purdue University School of
Pharmacy, you're very unlikely to get a quality
product in the United States.Hence, he
suggests more than the recommended dosage of
standard store-bought feverfew capsules. Dr. Tyler
says taking up to 6 300-400mg tablets daily is
perfectly safe. There is research to suggest that
eating a whole leaf is better than using the ground,dried plant
in tablet form. You should be able to pick up a bottle of
feverfew at your favorite healthfoods store. Many have
had good experience with the brand name "Nature's Way".

FEVERFEW: Eating the whole leaf may cause irritation
or ulcers on the mouth and tongue. Ulceration is not a
problem with the capsule form of the herb. Also, avoid it if
you are allergic to chamomile or chrysanthemum. Those
with blood clotting disorders or taking anti-clotting drugs
should probably avoid feverfew as well.

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