Posted by Bob Johnson ( on June 01, 2000 at 11:09:03:
In Reply to: Is Imitrex Safe? Scared to try it. posted by Bob Becker on June 01, 2000 at 03:25:17:
Information is the only good cure for fear. Please talk to your doc so that he can reassure you that: Imitrex is very safe and needs to be restricted only in folks with heart disease; the chest tightness which is commonly reported is, according the the medical literature, NOT associated with heart attacks or other serious heart problems; he can give you an injection in the office even when not having a CH attack so that he can observe and be sure there is no hidden heart problem which might cause difficulty.
Would urge you to explore the sources of information listed in the message, "CH Resources--#2", posted 4/16/00 (get via archives button on the left of this page). In particular, and Robbins' book.
The reason your neurologist objects to so much Aleve is that it could lead to rebound headaches (the medicaton causes headaches when taken to excess) and there is a significant risk of GI bleeding with high, continuous doses.