Posted by Carol ( on January 26, 2000 at 07:23:55:
In Reply to: females with clusters and birth control pills posted by Jayne on January 24, 2000 at 20:17:55:
this has bothered me since I first read the post and this am it came to me - funny how that happened the first am I dont awake to the beast - I was told I could NEVER Take the pill due to the vascular migraines I suffered - always been thankful I had a well informed Dr. at the time. As it places one in the high risk category for strokes and life threatening side effects. Please consult your literature, Dr. and the pharmacutiacla company for more information on side effects and risks associated with oral contracpetives and your vascular CH!! I've known to many women over the years who were not advised and did suffer strokes - all had history of such conditions! Their Dr.'s did not know the risk!