Posted by David Chalfant ( on October 31, 1999 at 13:29:52:
In Reply to: MSG and Triggers in general posted by Jack Boyd on October 30, 1999 at 09:18:20:
I was given a list of foods to avoid by my neurologist. Most of these food types cause vasodialation. Chocolate was in the top ten but I can eat one hearshy kiss and get a CH and the next day eat a king size chocolate bar and remain CH free. Banannas, spinach, processed cheese all foods containing nitrites, the list goes on and on only to cause more confusion and complications concerning CHs. MSG ranked number six, but I think triggers are unique to individuals; for me, lack of sleep, empty stomach, poor diet and toxic fumes I try to avoid
Also, as you may know, people tend to associate the occurance of CHs with thier previous actions, foods, time of day, stress, etc. thus further complicating our disorder. I do keep a log of my CHs and I found 100 or so possible triggers. I felt pretty damn hopeless so I scraped the minor ones and stick with the basics and yes MSG sometimes triggers a CH.....but not always :>)
PFD to you