Re: There're Back!

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Posted by Sonya Banna on July 11, 1998 at 01:14:52:

In Reply to: There're Back! posted by DonnaM on July 09, 1998 at 09:36:56:

Hi Sweety! I'm back with my clusters too. But
this works for me. I can't take all the meds
because I get sick from them. Dapokote makes
my hair fall out, Imitrex and steriods work but
give me BIG heart problems, and Verapmil only
takes the edge off. So, I read a bunch of articles
written in newspapers and they suggest taking a
heat gel and rub it in your head. I use Flexall
heat athritis gel. The heat causes your veins to
stop swelling up and becomeing swollen shut -
which is the cause of such pain. Then I take
Excedrin Migrane immediately. Then I either put
on my Oxygen tank for 10 minutes or go stand in
the cool outside air and breath normally. There
was some article saying that 80% of clusters can
be broken thru Oxygen. Thats why some of us are
given Oxygen tanks to try. So, this has worked for
me SO FAR. This is the first year I will try and
not use all the meds that made me so sick and made
my hair fall out and caused me to be so weak and
ready to die. Write me if you want.
.... I carry my Flexall Heat gel in my purse and
the first sign of it, I rub it on my head, nose,
and neck.... then swallow my 2 Exedrin Migrane
pills (over the counter) and go out in the fresh
air..... It works for me. Hang in there. I know
this is so incredibly horrible! By the way,
I tried caffene pills yet they didn't work. So
I am not sure what is in the exedrin that works.

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